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Delayed Opening Start Schedule

Delayed Openings

The official start time at BSU is 8 a.m., so delays for the campus community (except designated essential personnel) start from that time. In the event of a two-hour delay, for example, the university will open at 10 a.m.


For students and faculty, all classes that begin prior to a delayed opening time are canceled while classes that begin after the new start time will run as normally scheduled. Please see the chart below.

Delay – opening timePolicyFirst class starts at …
1 hour – 9 AMAll classes that begin prior to the delayed opening time are canceled.

M-W-F – 9:05 AM

Tu-Th – 9:30 AM

2 hours – 10 AMAll classes that begin prior to the delayed opening time are canceled.

M-W-F – 10:10 AM

Tu-Th – 11 AM

3 hours – 11 AMAll classes that begin prior to the delayed opening time are canceled.

M-W-F – 11:15 AM

Tu-Th – 12:30 PM


For staff and administrators: 

Delayed openingPolicyReport time after delay
1-hour delayDelayed openings are based on Bridgewater State University’s official start time of 8 AM and not on the start of an employee’s tour of duty.9 AM
2-hour delayDelayed openings are based on Bridgewater State University’s official start time of 8 AM and not on the start of an employee’s tour of duty.10 AM
3-hour delayDelayed openings are based on Bridgewater State University’s official start time of 8 AM and not on the start of an employee’s tour of duty.11 AM


Frequently Contacted Offices

BSU Police Department
Operations Center
200 Great Hill Drive
Bridgewater, MA 02325
Phone: 508.531.1212
Emergency: 911
TTY: 508.531.6111


Column One lists the name of the office. Column two has the address, three has the phone number, and four has the email.

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Announcement Lines

Class Cancellations: 508.531.1391
Library Hours: 508.531.1749