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Latest News
International Students
Olena Bychkovska is one of the many international students still living on the BSU campus
Extended Stay
Campus assists international students unable to return home due to pandemic
Dr. Marlene Correia with her little free library
Novel Method
Faculty member finds way to share books during pandemic
AAC tutors and coaches are still working remotely
Still Centered
Academic Achievement Center continues as resource in changing times
Student Spotlight
Eamonn Graeme, '22 studying from home in Easthampton
Full Register
Student plays important role during pandemic
Janice Polvinen Mead teaches through video conferencing.
Grand Gesture
Alumna embraces online learning to teach grandchildren
Student Spotlight
Josh Higgins and Jayci Andrews compete in early meets
Side Tracked
Pandemic leads to cancellation of track and field championships 
A student dances during a virtual class.
Setting the Stage Online
Performance-centered classes adapting to online instruction
Wellness Center
Chris Frazer, executive director of BSU wellness center
Wellness Centered
Help remains available even with students learning remotely 
Dr. James Hayes-Bohanan teaches a class from him home.
The Connection Remains
Faculty find ways to keep personal touch part of online courses
Students in posed photos studying abroad and on spring break
A True Homecoming

University helps students overseas return to U.S. amid pandemic

3D printers make face shields
Shielding Health Professionals
Makerspace staff and students doing their part in pandemic
Student Spotlight
Members of BSU softball and baseball teams
Gloves Off
Spring sport athletes deal with season cancellations

Contact Us

Enrollment, Marketing & Communications

Bridgewater State University
131 Summer Street
Bridgewater, MA 02325
United States

Media Hotline

Bridgewater State University
131 Summer Street
Bridgewater, MA 02325
United States