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Steps of the CAP Cycle

Pre-Cycle of CAP
Take these early administrative and team building steps in preparation for collaborating with the program supervisor (PS) to facilitate the CAP process for your teacher candidate (TC)

Step 1 of CAP
Establish an understanding of your TCs baseline skills and knowledge. PS and SP collaborate to support TC’s development of draft goals for the practicum.

Step 2 of CAP
Collect and analyze early TC performance data. PS, SP and TC come together as a team to identify areas of strength and growth, and finalize goals and implementation for the practicum.

Step 3 of CAP
PS and SP ongoing assessment of TC performance and support TC’s work toward practicum goals.

Step 4 of CAP
Collect and analyze available data on TC performance for the formal formative assessment of TC performance and provide detailed feedback to TC on multiple CAP elements. PS, SP and TC come together as a team to discuss feedback and strategize next steps. 

Step 5 of CAP
Conduct a deep dive of a wide-range of TC generated artifacts to create a well-rounded, holistic summative assessment representation of your TC’s practicum performance. 

Free CAP Trainings

Suggested timelines for CAP process
Get an idea of how different schedules can look.

CAP Resources