Get a Well-Rounded Education with a Degree in Theatre Arts from BSU
Write and direct your own future by joining us in Bridgewater State University’s Department of Theatre. Our theatre studies students chose one of two tracks: the undergraduate degree in theatre arts or education. If you’re majoring in a related field like English or communications, you can add a theatre arts minor.
A degree in theatre arts from BSU stands out for its exceptional value and personalized education. Small, focused courses center around experiential learning and developing a well-rounded skillset applicable to careers in theatre arts and beyond. We immerse our theatre arts degree students in all areas of theatre production — from performance and management to design and technology, all while keeping up with current trends in professional theatre.
Your theatre studies program will also delve into the fascinating history of theatre. Then, as you work to complete your degree in theatre arts, customize your BSU experience by choosing electives that align with your areas of interest, such as advanced performance. Should you choose the theatre education track, it will prepare you for teaching in a classroom or theatre company.