BS, Universidad Javeriana (COL)
MA, University of Copenhagen (DK)
PhD, Rutgers University (USA)
Diana's work emphasizes children's and youth's self-constructions as political subjects by focusing on their participation in peacebuilding through collective memory and peace education processes. Her multidisciplinary approach to the Colombian post-accord context draws from Childhood Studies, Memory Studies, and Political Theory. She combines Latin-American scholarship, decolonial and postcolonial theories, and ethnographic methods. She has published work about children's representation in the Colombian Truth Commission; children's views on Colombian lived citizenship; about the coloniality of temporality in relation to childhood studies by focusing on youth activism in collective memory; and on the status as political actors of Colombian child soldiers. Diana is also a member of the transnational research group Children, Media and Parenting. The group studies the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in family relations by analyzing media usage in households in 7 countries, among them Colombia.
Childhood Studies, Memory Studies, Youth Studies, Media Studies, Transitional Justice, and Post-Conflict studies