BA, Stonehill College
MA, Seton Hall University
EdD, Northeastern University
With 23 years of nonprofit experience, Dr. Lisa Bergson brings a wealth of professional experience into her public relations classrooms. Today, every industry is using public relations, and students who study PR can take it anywhere. With a strong emphasis on experiential learning, Dr. Bergson partners with local organizations to give students an invaluable client experience and ensure they develop the knowledge and skills they need to become a successful PR practitioner. Her research interests include crisis communication, organizational reputation, climate communication and the scholarship of teaching and learning in public relations.
Dr. Bergson’s research interests also connect to her classroom. A glance at the latest news cycle will surely highlight the latest corporate, celebrity or political crisis. Dr. Bergson’s research helps her public relations students and future PR practitioners apply the communication and public relations theories that help organizations and individuals mitigate and manage crises.
Dr. Bergson is passionate about public relations and helping students learn how to think, write, and communicate strategically and creatively.
Crisis communication, organizational reputation, climate/environmental communication and the scholarship of teaching and learning in public relations.