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Dr. M. Nikki Freeburg

headshot photo of Dr. Nikki Freeburg smiling with long straight blond hair
Professor and Chairperson of Counselor Education
Maxwell Library, Room 313D

BA, Albertson College of Idaho
MA, Northwest Nazarene University
PhD, Idaho State University, Counselor Education

Dr. Nikki Freeburg is a member of Chi Sigma Iota (CSI), the American Counseling Association (ACA), and The Association of Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES). Her professional areas of interest include research, assessment, supervision, wellness and the use of metaphors in the counseling profession. Dr. Freeburg has counseling experience in private agencies, psychiatric hospitals and career development centers. Scholarship activities include publications on HIPAA, more than 20 presentations (local, state, and national level), research grant acquisitions, providing supervision training for site supervisors and she has membership status on the CACREP review board team.