BA, Boston University
MA, Washington University
PhD, Princeton University
Research and Teaching Interests:
Literature of the Ancient World; Classical Tradition in English Literature; Bible as Literature; Religion and Literature
Recent Publications:
The Language of Asceticism. Figurative Language in St. John Climacus’ Ladder of Divine Ascent. Forthcoming in Études byzantines et post-byzantines
Review of Thomas Arentzen, The Virgin in Song: Mary and the Poetry of Romanos the Melodist in Journal of Late Antiquity 11.1 (2018)
“The Sinful Woman in Homilies and Hymns” in B. Krsmanović, L. Milanović, and B. Pavlović (eds.) Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Belgrade, 22-27 August 2016: Round Tables (Belgrade 2016), 666-670.
“The Apple among the Trees: To Abraham (PBodmer 30) and the Apple at the Sacrifice of Isaac” in Vigiliae Christianae 70.2 (2016): 134 – 154
"The Presence of Hades in the Codex of Visions" in Proceedings of the 26th Annual Congress of Papyrology (2012)
"Imagining what Eve would have said after Cain's murder of Abel: rhetorical practice and Biblical interpretation in an early Byzantine homily" in Bridgewater Review, 31.2 (2012).
Review of "The Cambridge History of Early Christian Literature" in Religion and Literature 42.3 (2010)