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Dr. Ellen Scheible

Ellen Scheible
Professor of English; Director of Honors Program
Tillinghast Hall, Room 210

BA, St. Mary's College of Maryland
MA, PhD, Claremont Graduate University

Dr. Scheible's research interests include Irish Studies, British and Irish modernism, modern gothic fiction, and the feminized body. In her current work, Dr. Scheible explores representations of gender and sexuality within the discourses of the domestic interior and the body in Irish fiction. She also writes about non-reproduction and the maternal body in contemporary Irish writing and the influence of the gothic tradition on modern subjectivity. 

Dr. Scheible held a Presidential Research Fellowship at Bridgewater State University in 2022-23 and a Maddock Research Fellowship at Marsh’s Library in Dublin, Ireland in spring 2023. She was a Moore Institute Visiting Fellow at the National University of Ireland Galway (2016) and was awarded a Marion and Jasper Whiting Foundation Fellowship to support research in Dublin (2014). She is the director of the BSU Honors Program and the founder of the Bridgewater State University Irish Studies Program. 

She is the author of Body Politics in Contemporary Irish Women's Fiction: The Literary Legacy of Mother Ireland (Bloomsbury 2025). She is also coeditor, with Anna Teekell, of The Dark: A Critical Edition, a new edition of John McGahern’s novel (Syracuse UP); and of Teaching James Joyce in the 21st Century (forthcoming from University Press of Florida) and Sally Rooney: Perspectives and Approaches, both coedited with Barry Devine (forthcoming from Bucknell UP). In 2023, with Christina Morin, she coedited “Gothic Studies Today,” a special issue of the Irish University Review. Her work has appeared in various journals including New Hibernia Review, James Joyce Quarterly, Criticism, and Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature. She is coeditor, with Claire Culleton, of Rethinking Joyce’s Dubliners (Palgrave 2017). 

Recent Publications:

2025  Body Politics in Contemporary Irish Women’s Fiction: The Literary Legacy of Mother Ireland. Bloomsbury Studies in Global Women’s Writing. Bloomsbury Academic Press.

2025 The Dark: A Critical Edition. Eds. Anna Teekell and Ellen Scheible. Syracuse University Press.

2025  “Bildung and the Non-reproductive Female Body in Contemporary Irish Women’s Writing” in The Irish Bildungsroman. Eds. Gregory Castle, Sarah Townsend, and Matthew Reznicek. Syracuse University Press.

2023 “Reflection, Anxiety, and the Feminized Body: Contemporary Irish Gothic” in The Edinburgh Companion to Irish Gothic. Eds. Christina Morin and Jarlath Kileen. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 

2023 “Irish Gothic Studies Today.” Eds. Christina Morin and Ellen Scheible. Special Issue of Irish University Review. 53.1 

2022 “Building Writing and Communication Skills in Undergraduate Researchers.” Eds. Jenny Shanahan and Ellen Scheible. Special Issue of Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research. Vol. 5.4.

2022 “The Danger of the Domestic in Ireland: Bridget Cleary, Big House Modernism, and Tana French” in Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature. 41.1. 

2021 “The Eye of the Other in Edmund Burke’s Enquiry: Language, Confrontation, and the 
(Subjective) Body of the Sublime” in Criticism: A Quarterly for Literature and the Arts. 63.3. 

2021 “Collaborative Writing For Publication in Undergraduate Literature Seminars” in Journal for the Assembly of Expanded Perspectives of Learning. 26.

2019  “Imperialism, Aesthetics, and Gothic Confrontation in The Picture of Dorian Gray” reprinted in The Picture of Dorian Gray: A Norton Critical Edition.

2017 Rethinking Joyce's Dubliners. Edited by Claire A. Culleton and Ellen Scheible. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.


Area of Expertise

Irish Studies; Modernism; Gothic Studies; Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies; Contemporary Irish Fiction