BA, MA, Rhode Island College
MS, PhD, University of Connecticut
Hello! Welcome to the BSU Mathematics website. I am currently in my fifth year as an assistant professor. I came to BSU after completing my PhD at the University of Connecticut. I am a Rhode Island native completing my undergraduate degree at Rhode Island College in mathematics and secondary education as well as my Master's degree in mathematics. Once completing my Master's I joined the adjunct faculty at Rhode Island College teaching math courses while completing my course work at UConn. My research at UConn focused on the Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential functions, specifically with the finite element method. Currently I am working on analyzing properties of the discrete Green's functions that arise from the finite element method for an elliptic PDE in two and three dimensions. Outside of school, I enjoy spending time with family and friends, playing tennis, wrenching on cars, and visiting breweries all around New England. I am also proud to be part of the BSU tennis teams as their faculty mentor.
Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations, The Finite Element Method, Post Secondary Mathematics Education