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Dr. William J. Devlin

Professor of Philosophy
319 Tillinghast Hall

MA, University of Wyoming
BA, PhD, Boston University

Prof. Devlin's research interests focus on three areas of philosophy: (1) philosophy of science (including the realism-antirealism debate, scientific change, causality, and the philosophy of Thomas Kuhn), (2) continental philosophy (more specifically, 19th century philosophy, existentialism, and Friedrich Nietzsche), and (3) philosophy of popular culture (especially philosophy of film). His recent work includes a paper concerning Sartre's existential analysis of moral dilemmas (in the journal Film and Philosophy), the Philosophy of David Lynch, and the forthcoming volume in Boston Studies in Philosophy of Science, Kuhn's Structure of Scientific Revolutions-50 years on. He teaches classes in philosophy of science, existentialism, 19th century philosophy, Nietzsche, and logic. Dr. Devlin is on sabbatical Fall 2014.