Alice W. Cheng received her PhD in clinical psychology from the University of Rhode Island. She completed her American Psychological Association (APA) accredited internship at the Asian Pacific Family Center of Pacific Clinics in Los Angeles where she was immersed in learning culturally adapted interventions for Asian Americans. Her research interests are social cultural contexts influencing health disparities among ethnic minorities, Asian American mental health, racial stereotypes, diagnostic bias, multicultural competency, and alcohol-use disorders. Recently she served as a guest editor for Psychological Services and has two book chapters forthcoming (i.e. , “Teaching Abnormal and Personality Psychology using a Multicultural Framework, Collectivism and Individualism”). Dr. Cheng currently teaches Multicultural Psychology, Abnormal Psychology, and Foundations of Clinical Practice. In her free time, she enjoys traveling, true crime stories, foreign and independent movies, hiking and hanging out with her dog Libby.
Dr. Alice Wenjui Cheng
Associate Professor of Psychology
Hart Hall, Room 340