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Aftermath Exhibit

All Day Event

The Aftermath Sculpture (2021) is a large-scale multi-media sculpture and art advocacy collaboration about the global impacts of textile pollution created by developmental psychologist Dr. Julia DeVoy, public health researcher Dielle Lundberg, fashion designer and environmental educator Matilda Lartey, internationally recognized artist Mark Cooper, and STEAM education researcher Dr. Brian Smith in collaboration with The Aftermath Learning Lab and community partners in the U.S. and Ghana. 
The installation consists of a modular shelving system, secondhand clothing collected from the Boston College community, protest signs that link through QR codes to The Aftermath Learning Lab’s Textile Waste Facts educational resource (a crash course about global textile pollution designed to accompany the sculpture), and a project documentary. The goal: to face up to an economy of throwaway consumption and “fast fashion” that contributes to global textile pollution, environmental racism and injustice, and the climate crisis.
Source: Julia E. DeVoy, PhD, MTS, MBA; Dielle J. Lundberg, MPH; Matilda Lartey; Mark Cooper, MFA; Brian Smith, PhD. “The Aftermath Sculpture.” Multi-Media Textile Sculpture. Boston College Schiller Institute for Integrated Science and Society. 2021.
The Aftermath sculpture will be on exhibit in the lower foyer of the Rondileau Student Union from March 13-May 17, 2024 and will be available for viewing during the RSU’s operating hours.
The Aftermath of Fast Fashion | April 18, 4-5:30pm
Keep the conversation going! Join MRISJ on Thursday, April 18 from 4-5:30 pm for The Aftermath of Fast Fashiona MRISJ Civic Speaker Series event. Panelists Mark Cooper, Dr. Julia DeVoy, and Dr. Laura Steinberg will discuss the intersection of art and advocacy, the Aftermath sculpture, and the social justice implications of textile pollution. Register now for discussion and reception. 
Aftermath Exhibit