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Have You Heard from Johannesburg? Episode 7: Free at Last. Documentary screening and discussion

9:30 AM - 10:45 AM

Africa Awareness Week 2024! Have You Heard from Johannesburg? Episode 7: Free at Last. Documentary screening and discussion. Tuesday, April 16, 9:30-10:45am in Burnell Hall, Room 132A. All are welcome.

Have You Heard from Johannesburg is a 2010 series of seven documentary films, covering the 45-year struggle of the global anti-apartheid movement against South Africa's apartheid system and its international supporters who considered them an ally in the Cold War… Free at Last, the seventh, and final, film dives into the heart of the conflict… A mass movement gained unprecedented momentum when three generations of resistance fighters band[ed] together as the United Democratic Front… Caught between an unstoppable internal mass movement and ongoing international pressure, the apartheid regime was finally forced to the negotiating table and at last lift[ed] the decades-long ban on the African National Congress. After twenty-seven years in prison, Nelson Mandela was released, sparking a global celebration.—Wikipedia


Sponsored by the African Studies Program.

Have You Heard from Johannesburg? Episode 7: Free at Last. D