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Almost every class you take at BSU will have required reading material/textbooks. Your professors will notify you of required texts through the course syllabus and Infobear. The syllabus will most likely not be available to you until the first official day of class. If you'd like to know what required textbooks are required for your classes before the start of classes you can log into Infobear to view your current class schedule and see the book information for each class.

You can also visit the BSU bookstore's website​ and search for your specific classes. 

Books can be expensive and many students purchase used books and/or rent their required reading material to save money. New and used books can be purchased and/or rented from the BSU bookstore in most cases. Alternatively new and used books can be purchased and/or rented through the following sites.

If you rented a book you will need to return it at the end of your rental period. Typically the rental company provides a self addressed prepaid envelope, but you may need to request it. If you did not rent, but purchased your books you can either keep them or try to sell them back. The BSU bookstore will buy back most books, but some students sell their books on Amazon or the book vans that park close to campus during​ the last weeks of the semester.

Contact Us

International Student and Scholar Services

Dr. Edward Minnock Institute for Global Engagement
25 Park Terrace
Bridgewater State University
Bridgewater, MA 02325
United States