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Dr. Orlando Olivares

Professor of Psychology
Hart Hall, Room 324

BS, Regis University
MS, New Mexico Highlands University
PhD, Texas A&M University

Dr. Olivares has been with the department of Psychology since 1996. He earned his PhD in Industrial and Organizational Psychology and has several years of corporate experience, as both an internal and external consultant. His areas of expertise are individual differences and human performance, leadership development, organization culture and performance, and selection and validation. Dr. Olivares regularly teaches courses in Introductory Psychology, Statistics and Research Methods, Learning, Personality, and Industrial/Organizational Psychology. From 2007-2010, Dr. Olivares served as the Chair of Institutional Review Board at Bridgewater State University. In addition to his teaching, consulting, and service work, Dr. Olivares has authored numerous peer-reviewed journal articles. He is the first author on articles that have appeared in The Leadership and Organization Development Journal, Review of General Psychology, Teaching in Higher Education, Excellence in College Teaching, Contemporary Educational Psychology, Issues in Educational Research, Radical Pedagogy, and Occupational Health and Safety.