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Dr. Thanh Nguyen

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Professor of Secondary Education & Professional Programs/Instructional Technology
Adrian Tinsley Center Room 209

BA, University of Massachusetts at Boston
EdM, EdD, Harvard University

Before coming to the Bridgewater State University, Dr. Nguyen served as Associate Vice President of the Society for Technology Information and Teacher Education (SITE) Information Technology Council, Technology Leader for the Great Cities Universities (GCU), Urban Educator Corps Partnership Institute, Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers to Use Technology (PT3), Lecturer, University Supervisor and Chairwoman of the Technology in Education Committee at UMass Boston Graduate College of Education, online trainer for the WIDE World's Harvard University online courses, and Instructional Leadership Team Consultant, Boston-Harvard Leadership Development Initiative for the Whole School Change, Harvard School Partnerships. Currently, her research interests involve designing curriculum for Information Age learners. In the transformation from Industrial Age to Information Age, Dr. Nguyen encourages teachers to rethink and redesign curriculum for active learning with the use of digital information and global communication environments. Teachers need to redefine the requirements and skills for the global community and its marketplace in the twenty-first century.