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Michael Sloan

Michael Sloan.jpeg
Associate Professor of Aviation Science
Harrington Hall, Room 111A

What do you get when you cross an Air Force cartographer with an Instrument Flight Instructor? Answer: Professor Michael Sloan, a teacher who knows where he's going. In 40 years of flying, Sloan -- who trained for his initial issuance at a military airfield -- has been a renter-pilot, a member of three flying clubs, and an aircraft owner. As a CFII for 25 years, in a variety of aircraft, he has accumulated over 5,000 hours aloft. Here at Bridgewater State University, he brings to his classes, not only his extensive aeronautical experience, but insights gained from working as a Court Reporter with the NTSB, Justice Department and the SEC. Beyond regularly professing at Bridgewater, Sloan teaches FAA-approved Flight Instructor Refresher Clinics and weekend test-prep seminars. He has provided ground and test-prep instruction for the Mass DOT/Aeronautics Division and the Massachusetts State Police air wing. He is a published author whose articles have appeared in a variety of aviation-related magazines and newspapers. His latest novel, "Cone of Silence," is available online and at undiscriminating bookstores. During intersession, Sloan likes to travel dressed in shabby clothes and enjoys getting into trouble. "Find a traveling companion, " he advises, "who won't complain about you." From the accompanying photo, it's obvious he preaches what he practices.