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Wellness Center Grievance/Complaints Policy


The purpose of the Grievance/Compliant Policy is to ensure patient's rights are protected. Grievances/complaints may be directed against any staff/provider of the Wellness Center. This policy describes the grievance/compliant procedure regarding Student Health, Counseling & Outreach Services.

It is the policy of the Wellness Center to serve all patients/students without regard to race, age, sex, gender identity, color, ancestry, sexual orientation, national origin, legal residence, economic status, religious creed, parenthood, marital status, contraceptive preference, disability or handicap. Patients/students will be notified of their right to submit a grievance or complaint against Wellness Center staff or its policies by various means. The policy and procedure will be made known to patients/students by posting in the Wellness Center waiting room, exam rooms, counseling rooms and on our web page.

Whether the complaint or grievance is received by e-­mail, telephone, or personal contact, the Executive Director will determine if the situation meets the definition of a complaint or a grievance.


Grievances are defined as an Injury, injustice, or wrong that affords reason for resistance or a formal expression as a complaint. Typically, grievances are connected to a violation of patent rights.

Complaints are defined as a petition on the part of a patient regarding their dissatisfaction with a provider due to their perception of the quality of services, their treatment by the provider or other staff member, or operations and management policies and procedures of the department.


Upon request, students will be provided with information on how to submit a grievance/compliant form. This will include access to paper forms available in the Wellness Center Lobby or student will be instructed to complete the Student Complaint/Grievance Form.

The submitted form will be forwarded to the Executive Director of the Wellness Center. The Executive Director may reach out to the student by telephone, e-­mail, or in person about the complaint/grievance if more information is needed.

The Executive Director will investigate the situation and acts to resolve the student’s complaint/grievance to the extent possible. The student is notified of the outcome of the investigation and action taken. This may include providing education to the student regarding center procedures and limitations of services.

Documentation of the actions and resolution of the complaint will be maintained in the Wellness Center, in a confidential Complaint /Grievance file.

The Executive Director will review all documentation of complaints at the end of each semester to be sure there has been resolution. In addition, if any trends are identified, training and professional development will be facilitated.

In the event a grievance/complaint is not resolved satisfactorily, the complaint can be reviewed with the Dean of Students.