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Three men stand together smiling inside of a room with monitors
Ready for the Future
Industry leaders say BSU’s cyber program will create jobs
Steve Zuromski speaks to people sitting at computer desks in the cyber range.
The Range is Home
BSU unveils new multi-million dollar cyber range
Rachel Cullity stands in front of a bookshelf.
Secure Position
Graduate college internship leads to career in cybersecurity
Ed Markey speaks at a podium with the BSU logo on a banner behind him.
Funding the Future
U.S. Sen. Ed Markey announces $2 million in funding for cyber range
BSU Works
A rendering of the planned cyber range, showing users at computer desks with an instructor by monitors in the front of the room
Cyber Secured
BSU praised for cybersecurity programs
Dr. Enping Li and Dr. Hannarae Lee
Cybercrime Crackdown
Dr. Enping Li/Computer Science and Dr. Hannarae Lee/Criminal Justice
Ryan Kuczer sits at a desk working on a laptop
Securing the Future
Mentorship program aids cybersecurity students
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