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Pre-K to Grade 12 Teachers

Middle and high school teachers participating in professional development

Our Programs

EarthView Institute

The primary goal of the EarthView Institute is to train a corps of teachers to possess both content knowledge of the world’s many regions and the teaching skills that will enable them to introduce new and creative teaching approaches as they use Floor Maps in their school districts. These giant traveling floor maps developed by National Geographic Society and housed at Bridgewater State University can be used by you after completing training sessions on the care and use of the maps.

Engage in Math Workshops

These workshops provide teachers with tools needed to help their students develop a deep conceptual understanding of mathematics. In the workshops, teachers explore a variety of Common Core aligned classroom activities to engage all students. They experience the “Standards for Mathematical Practice” and “Mathematical Teaching Practices” in action. Offerings range from short or full day workshops to intensive school-embedded coaching. Please note that workshop may be offered in a virtual format.

GeoBox Program

The GeoBox program provides lending kits developed by BSU’s Geoscience department. Each GeoBox includes lessons and geologic specimens on loan through the department. 


GreenLab offers professional development in green chemistry and the impacts of chemicals on human and environmental health.


CityLab is a biotechnology outreach program for teachers and students that aims to enhance science knowledge and enthusiasm through authentic laboratory experiences. Additional professional development opportunities are available through CityLab.

Watershed Access Lab

Watershed Access Lab provides numerous opportunities for teachers to access training and lab equipment to enhance learning of watershed stewardship and environmental science.

WAL courses and professional development (PD) workshops emphasize hands-on training in water quality assessment using computerized water quality monitoring,  aquatic macroinvertebrates as bio-indicators of river health, measuring stream discharge and nutrient loading, as well as programs for educators promoting math and science exploration through watershed studies.