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Our Faculty - Global Languages and Literatures


Dr. Ryan LaBrozzi

Dr. Ryan LaBrozzi

Professor of Spanish and Chair of Global Languages and Literatures
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Dr. Alba Aragón

Associate Professor of Comparative Literature
Dr. Fernanda Ferreira

Dr. Fernanda Ferreira

Professor of Global Languages and Literatures
Dr. Jose Lara

Dr. José I. Lara

Associate Professor of Global Languages and Literatures
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Dr. Leora Lev

Professor of Global Languages and Literatures
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Dr. Minae Yamamoto Savas

Professor of Global Languages and Literatures

Part-Time Faculty


Alfred Crudale

Part-Time Faculty

Dana Idelbi

Instructor of Global Languages & Literatures
Dahri McFaline smiling with long wavy brown hair and wearing a black blazer over a royal blue top

Dahri McFaline

Part-Time Faculty


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Virginia Smith

Administrative Assistant