This is a content holder for the one-button emergency notification system.

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In case of an emergency, call 911

Important Information:

  • We encourage victims/survivors to report incidents to the police so the police can take appropriate measures to help you and prevent future crimes.
  • Police can assist you in the process to obtain a restraining order.
  • You have the right not to make a  report to the police. However, you are strongly encouraged to seek medical attention and counseling.
  • If you do choose to make a report to the BSU police, the department will conduct an investigation and, if desired, assist you to file a criminal complaint.
  • Seeking BSU police assistance does not obligate you to make a criminal complaint or take further action.


  • BSU Campus Police (On-campus incidents)
    • Operations Center
    • 200 Great Hill Drive, Bridgewater, MA 02325
    • Tel: (508) 531-1212 or 911
  • Bridgewater Town Police (Off-campus incidents)
    • 220 Pleasant Street, Bridgewater, MA 02324
    • Tel: (508) 697-6118 or 911


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