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Killam Visiting Professor of Canadian Studies

Application Deadline

Bridgewater State University is seeking a Canadian scholar or person of prominence to spend one or two semesters in residence at the University and be appointed Killam Visiting Professor of Canadian Studies during that period. The appointment may be made in any discipline.

This endowed professorship was established to infuse new and exciting Canadian content into the University curricula in areas of importance; elevate the understanding of Canadian issues and culture in the Southeastern Massachusetts region; provide opportunities for interaction between students at the University and a person with expertise and stature on Canadian issues; and provide opportunities for collaboration between Bridgewater faculty and Canadian scholars.

The Killam Visiting Professor of Canadian Studies will be expected to teach one course per semester at Bridgewater State University, make presentations to the University community and local organizations as appropriate, and participate in research in collaboration with Bridgewater faculty and/or students as appropriate. The term of appointment will normally be one semester, but two semesters may be arranged by mutual agreement between the University and the awardee. The stipend for the professorship is normally $40,000 USD.

Applications will be accepted through Jan. 31, 2022. Faculty on sabbatical leave, emeritus professors, postdoctoral scholars and others are all welcome to apply. Selection will be based on applicants’ stature in the field of Canadian Studies, campus intellectual needs, timeliness of the person’s expertise, and overall benefits to Bridgewater students and faculty and the region.

Applications are now invited for the 2022-23 academic year. Nominations and inquiries should be directed to:

Dr. Andrew Holman
Director, Canadian Studies Program
203 Minnock Institute for Global Engagement
Bridgewater State University
Bridgewater, Massachusetts, USA 02325

Our History

Endowed in 2008 through generous donations from the Constance Killam and Elizabeth Killam Rodgers Trust, the Government of Canada and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the Killam Visiting Professorship in Canadian Studies allows the Canadian Studies Program to bring Canadian university scholars and other people of prominence to campus on an extended basis. Resident at Bridgewater State for one or two semesters, Killam Professors normally teach one course in their field of specialty and make occasional presentations to the university community, regional organizations and other area schools, in addition to pursuing their own research and writing projects.

The Killam Professorship spurs interaction between students at BSU and experts on Canadian issues and provides opportunities for collaboration between Bridgewater State faculty and Canadian scholars. The first endowed chair at a Massachusetts state university, and one of the very few in Canadian Studies in the U.S., the Killam Professorship symbolizes Bridgewater State’s unique commitment to the field.


Alexandre Turgeon, Fall 2017 Killam Visiting Professor, sitting on a bench outside on a sunny day
Alexandre Turgeon, Fall 2017 Killam Visiting Professor
​Killam Visiting Professors at Bridgewater State

Fall 2009: Nino Ricci, Novelist, Toronto (English)

Spring 2011: Michael Peterman, Trent University (English)

2013-14 : Joel Sokolsky, Royal Military College of Canada (Political Science/History)

Spring 2015: Sean Conway, Ryerson University (Geography)

Spring 2016: Karen Murray, York University (Political Science)

Spring 2017: Linden MacIntyre, CBC Journalist/Novelist, Toronto  (Communication Studies)

Fall 2017: Alexandre Turgeon, University of Ottawa (History)​

Spring 2019: Karen McCallum, School for Advanced Studies, University of London (Sociology)

Fall 2021: Janet Billson, Rhode Island College and George Washington University (Sociology)