This is a content holder for the one button emergency notification system.

Additional Resources and Ways to Care

Jumpstart student sews masks for medical workers
A BSU Jumpstart student sews masks for medical workers

If You Want to Help Others

  1. Connect with us at the Martin Richard Institute for Social Justice at BSU to find out what we are doing to support our communities.
  2. Get involved!
  3. Donate blood!
    • Contact the American Red Cross or local blood banks to schedule a donation
  4. Join (or start!) community building efforts in your community. Here are just a few examples:

Please reach out to with ideas, questions, or services you’d like us to know about.

Other Helpful Resources and Links

Bridgewater State University students experiencing economic stress can access the student resource page on BridgeNet, which includes links to help with food, housing, clothing, furniture, fuel and energy assistance, financial aid and other financial support for educational expenses, transportation, health and well-being, family resources, legal resources, and tax preparation.

Accordion Content

This list of resources was compiled by the Martin Richard Institute for Social Justice at Bridgewater State University.  

If you would like to report errors, please email us at

Follow MRISJ on FacebookX and Instagram for the latest information.

Last Updated as of 2/21/2023

Contact Us

Martin Richard Institute for Social Justice

161 Summer Street
Bridgewater, MA 02325
United States