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Our Faculty - Economics


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Dr. Michael Jones

Professor and Chairperson of Economics
Dr. Avinandan Chakrabort with short, dark brown wavy hair wearing rimless glasses and a blue blazer over a white button up shirt with a light blue tie

Dr. Avinandan Chakraborty

Assistant Professor of Economics
a black and white photo of Dr. Albulene Kastrati. She has long straight dark brown hair and is wearing a button up collared blouse

Dr. Albulene Kastrati

Assistant Professor of Economics
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Dr. Eric Yao

Associate Professor of Economics

Faculty Emeriti

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Stanley Antoniotti

Professor Emeritus of Economics
headshot photo of Dr. Margaret Brooks

Dr. Margaret Brooks

Professor Emeritus of Economics and Director (1992-2022) of BSU Center for Economic Education
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Dr. Anthony Cicerone

Professor Emeritus of Economics and Director (2000-2012) of Canadian Studies Council
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Dr. Ranjit Vohra

Professor Emeritus of Economics

Part-Time Faculty

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Dr. Lord Andzie-Quainoo

Part-Time Faculty
Prateek Goorha

Dr. Prateek Goorha

Part-Time Faculty
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Mohammed Partapurwala

Part-Time Faculty
Proffesor Subhendu Roy with short dark hair and mustache wearing a yellow and black horizontally striped polo shirt with yellow collar

Subhendu Roy

Part-Time Faculty
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Ahmad Saranjam

Part-Time Faculty


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Prentiss Richardson

Administrative Assistant